
application/pdfبيان صحفي: أكثر من نصف مليون طفلٍ في بيروت مهددون في بيروت الكبرى يعيش 910,000 شخصًا منهم 564,000 طفلاً وطفلةً مهددين بالوصول تحت خط البقاء على قيد الحياة. لذلك تعتبر جمعية إنقاذ الطفل أن هذه الأرقام قد تكون مؤشرات أوليّة لأزمة أكبر تجعل العائلات في جميع أنحاء لبنان تكافح للتأقلم مع ارتفاع أسعار المواد الغذائيّة، والإيجار، والاحتياجات الأساسيّة الأخرى.30/07/2020129KB
application/pdfPRESS RELEASE: More than half a million children in BeirutThe collapsing Lebanese economy has pushed more than half a million children in Beirut into a struggle for survival or even hunger, a new analysis by Save the Children showed today. Their families cannot afford the basic food, electricity, cooking fuel, hygiene and water needed to survive.30/07/2020184KB
application/pdfDangerous Ground 2018- EnglishHundreds of thousands of refugees are at risk of being pushed to return to Syria in 2018, despite ongoing violence, bombing and shelling that are endangering the lives of civilians.05/02/20181MB
application/pdfDetermining the Causes of Child Road Deaths and InjuriesAn estimated 3,270 cases of child road injuries and deaths were captured from police reports and retrospective hospital patient records through a review of 30 emergency departments across Lebanon for injured patients during the period of time from 2015 to 2017.05/09/20192MB
application/pdf2015 Annual Report- ArabicDrawing on data from across all Lebanese regions where Save the Children operates, For the Wellbeing of Children measures in facts and figures the success that the organisation’s interventions have achieved over 12 months. It highlights stories of children helped to find better education and protection opportunities. In 2015, Save the Children reached 357,547 people from all nationalities and backgrounds, including 203,788 children, in programmes covering Education, Child Protection, Shelter Assistance, Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Food Security and Livelihood and Child Rights Governance. 30/09/20162MB
application/pdf2015 Annual Report- EnglishDrawing on data from across all Lebanese regions where Save the Children operates, "For the Well being of Children- Lebanon 2015 Annual Report" measures in facts and figures the success that the organisation’s interventions have achieved over 12 months. It highlights stories of children helped to find better education and protection opportunities. In 2015, Save the Children reached 357,547 people from all nationalities and backgrounds, including 203,788 children, in programmes covering Education, Child Protection, Shelter Assistance, Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Food Security and Livelihood and Child Rights Governance. 30/09/20162MB
application/pdfREPORT: small hands HEAVY BURDENThis report sheds light on the plight of working children and influence a bold discussion on strategies to address the phenomenon. Drawing on assessments and studies undertaken in countries affected by the Syria crisis, it examines the implications for children, and proposes a set of recommendations for stakeholders to consider that could reduce the impact of child labour among Syrian children, and help them reclaim their childhood.06/04/20163MB
application/pdfDangerous Ground 2018- ArabicHundreds of thousands of refugees are at risk of being pushed to return to Syria in 2018, despite ongoing violence, bombing and shelling that are endangering the lives of civilians. 05/02/20183MB
application/pdfBullying in Lebanon- Save the Children's study- ENTo shed light on what had been an overlooked problem, Save the Children commissioned a national research on the subject of bullying. The study, Bullying in Lebanon, revealed that one in two children have been bullied at some point in their lives, a reality coupled with the fact that only 27 per cent of parents are aware of such incidents. Full study in English.02/05/20193MB
application/pdfREPORT: Every Last Child - EnglishENGLISH EDITION- This report tells the story of these forgotten children and sets out what is required to reach every last child. We live in a world where the bodies of child refugees are washed up on European beaches, and where an indigenous child can miss out on life-saving healthcare simply because of their heritage. It’s a world where a girl can have her access to education denied and her whole future blighted simply because she is a daughter and not a son. It’s a world where millions of children with disabilities are missing out on the education that would free them to make the most of their lives.28/04/20163MB
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