Child Protection

application/pdfSave the Children Annual Report- 2016Save the Children's achievements in 2016, covering our work across all sectors and regions in Lebanon. Throughout the year, Save the Children reached 366,000 people, including 225,000, in different services, including Education, Child Protection, Food Security and Livelihoods, Shelter, Water Sanitation and Hygiene and Child Rights Governance. 06/07/20176MB
application/pdfFire Risk Reduction Assessment-Executive Summary in ArabicThe Fire Risk Reduction Assessment of Vulnerable Displaced Syrian Populations and Host Community report is the result of a fire risk reduction consultancy carried out in Lebanon by a team from Operation Florian in July and August 2016. the Assessment was commissioned by Save the Children Lebanon, in collaboration with the Lebanese Civil Defense, in order to make a situation study and needs assessment. The situation of displaced populations in Lebanon has a long and complex history, with different groups seeking asylum in the country at various stages. However, this report is primarily concerned with Syrian displaced people living in Lebanon since the beginning of the crisis in 2012.There is a specific focus on those living in informal settlements and sub-standard buildings, with some reference to those living in urban settings alongside host communities. The following analysis and recommendations are designed to help key government and humanitarian sector stakeholders to work together to make improvements in all aspects of fire risk reduction.10/07/2017555KB
application/pdfThe Fire Risk Reduction AssessmentThe Fire Risk Reduction Assessment of Vulnerable Displaced Syrian Populations and Host Community report is the result of a fire risk reduction consultancy carried out in Lebanon by a team from Operation Florian in July and August 2016. the Assessment was commissioned by Save the Children Lebanon, in collaboration with the Lebanese Civil Defense, in order to make a situation study and needs assessment. The situation of displaced populations in Lebanon has a long and complex history, with different groups seeking asylum in the country at various stages. However, this report is primarily concerned with Syrian displaced people living in Lebanon since the beginning of the crisis in 2012.There is a specific focus on those living in informal settlements and sub-standard buildings, with some reference to those living in urban settings alongside host communities. The following analysis and recommendations are designed to help key government and humanitarian sector stakeholders to work together to make improvements in all aspects of fire risk reduction.10/07/20172MB
application/pdfSave the Children Annual Report- 2016 ArabicSave the Children's achievements in 2016, covering our work across all sectors and regions in Lebanon. Throughout the year, Save the Children reached 366,000 people, including 225,000, in different services, including Education, Child Protection, Food Security and Livelihoods, Shelter, Water Sanitation and Hygiene and Child Rights Governance. 12/07/20178MB
application/pdfDangerous Ground 2018- EnglishHundreds of thousands of refugees are at risk of being pushed to return to Syria in 2018, despite ongoing violence, bombing and shelling that are endangering the lives of civilians.05/02/20181MB
application/pdfDangerous Ground 2018- ArabicHundreds of thousands of refugees are at risk of being pushed to return to Syria in 2018, despite ongoing violence, bombing and shelling that are endangering the lives of civilians. 05/02/20183MB
application/pdfSave the Children Annual Report- 2017 ArabicSave the Children Lebanon Annual Report 2017. Arabic edition30/08/20185MB
application/pdfBullying in Lebanon- report summaryOne in two children in Lebanon have been bullied at some point in their life, a new nationwide study by Save the Children has revealed. A national survey has highlighted a massive underreported bullying issue in Lebanon, where children develop anxiety and even drop out of school as a result of being subjected to different forms of violence in their learning and community surroundings. 29/10/20185MB
application/pdfBullying in Lebanon- report summary- ArabicOne in two children in Lebanon have been bullied at some point in their life, a new nationwide study by Save the Children has revealed. A national survey has highlighted a massive underreported bullying issue in Lebanon, where children develop anxiety and even drop out of school as a result of being subjected to different forms of violence in their learning and community surroundings. 29/10/20185MB
application/pdfBullying in Lebanon- Save the Children's study- ENTo shed light on what had been an overlooked problem, Save the Children commissioned a national research on the subject of bullying. The study, Bullying in Lebanon, revealed that one in two children have been bullied at some point in their lives, a reality coupled with the fact that only 27 per cent of parents are aware of such incidents. Full study in English.02/05/20193MB
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