
application/pdfبيان صحفي: أكثر من نصف مليون طفلٍ في بيروت مهددون في بيروت الكبرى يعيش 910,000 شخصًا منهم 564,000 طفلاً وطفلةً مهددين بالوصول تحت خط البقاء على قيد الحياة. لذلك تعتبر جمعية إنقاذ الطفل أن هذه الأرقام قد تكون مؤشرات أوليّة لأزمة أكبر تجعل العائلات في جميع أنحاء لبنان تكافح للتأقلم مع ارتفاع أسعار المواد الغذائيّة، والإيجار، والاحتياجات الأساسيّة الأخرى.30/07/2020129KB
application/pdfPRESS RELEASE: More than half a million children in BeirutThe collapsing Lebanese economy has pushed more than half a million children in Beirut into a struggle for survival or even hunger, a new analysis by Save the Children showed today. Their families cannot afford the basic food, electricity, cooking fuel, hygiene and water needed to survive.30/07/2020184KB
application/pdfوجهات نظر عن الإغلاق الكاملوجهات نظر عن الإغلاق الكامل29/05/2020186KB
application/pdfREPORT: Every Last Girl- Executive Summary in ArabicExecutive Summary for the Every Last Girl report in Arabic.14/10/2016199KB
application/pdfViews from the LockdownChildren and youth's experience of COVID-19 in Lebanon: a survey by Save the Children.29/05/2020280KB
application/pdfFire Risk Reduction Assessment-Executive Summary in ArabicThe Fire Risk Reduction Assessment of Vulnerable Displaced Syrian Populations and Host Community report is the result of a fire risk reduction consultancy carried out in Lebanon by a team from Operation Florian in July and August 2016. the Assessment was commissioned by Save the Children Lebanon, in collaboration with the Lebanese Civil Defense, in order to make a situation study and needs assessment. The situation of displaced populations in Lebanon has a long and complex history, with different groups seeking asylum in the country at various stages. However, this report is primarily concerned with Syrian displaced people living in Lebanon since the beginning of the crisis in 2012.There is a specific focus on those living in informal settlements and sub-standard buildings, with some reference to those living in urban settings alongside host communities. The following analysis and recommendations are designed to help key government and humanitarian sector stakeholders to work together to make improvements in all aspects of fire risk reduction.10/07/2017555KB
application/pdfHEA summary in EnglishHousehold Economy Analysis (HEA)1 was used for collecting and analysing field-based information on the urban wealth breakdown and for profiling livelihood strategies, which include sources of food and cash income, expendi-ture patterns, and household coping strategies.29/06/2020560KB
application/pdfHEA summary in Arabicتحليل اقتصاد الأسرة في الأحياء ذات الدخل المنخفض29/06/2020587KB
application/pdfChild labour policy brief: Covid and economic crisis impactWhile child labour may logically decrease in the short term due to government lockdown, families living on the edge will plunge further into poverty, likely leading to an increase in child labour – including Worst Forms of Child Labour – in the medium to longer term.09/04/2020817KB
application/pdfAdvisory - Tips While DrivingSome life-saving tips while driving prepared by Save the Children's Safety and Security Department.02/05/2019992KB
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