Child Rights Governance

Sunday 8 March 2020

Girls can change their societies when they speak up


Sometimes, it doesn’t matter who you are. It doesn’t matter what your name is, or where you are in this world. Sometimes, all you want is to be able to tell the world something you always wanted to say.

I write today,* on International Women’s Day, to say something on behalf of my friends, on behalf of girls in my community, on behalf of myself. 

Thursday 2 November 2017

My Voice Matters Too

The Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Save the Children bring children and decision-makers together in “My Voice Matters Too” national event

The Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Save the Children have organised “My Voice Matters Too” seminar in Beirut on 31 October 2017.

Wednesday 19 July 2017

READY FOR TOMORROW: Save the Children Lebanon’s Annual Report 2016

Save the Children’s Annual Report for 2016 shows that the organisation has reached 366,000 people, including 225,000 children over the past year.

Thursday 3 November 2016

Proud children offer insight into successful research

A group of youths on the front line of a child rights research have shared their experience, in a special event organised by Save the Children in Lebanon.

Monday 11 July 2016

Children speak, the world listens

They have voices, but are they being heard?

This is the question that represents the essence of Save the Children’s Child Rights Governance programme, to translate children’s words into demands, their rights into duties and whims into realities.
