Child Protection

Thursday 9 April 2020

PRESS RELEASE: Covid-19 will exacerbate child labour in Lebanon and drive more people into poverty, Save the Children warns

PRESS RELEASE: Covid-19 will exacerbate child labour in Lebanon and drive more people into poverty, Save the Children warns

Poor families and vulnerable children face months of struggle without the bare minimum.

Sunday 8 March 2020

Girls can change their societies when they speak up


Sometimes, it doesn’t matter who you are. It doesn’t matter what your name is, or where you are in this world. Sometimes, all you want is to be able to tell the world something you always wanted to say.

I write today,* on International Women’s Day, to say something on behalf of my friends, on behalf of girls in my community, on behalf of myself. 

Wednesday 31 October 2018

One in two children in Lebanon have been bullied


One in two children in Lebanon have been bullied at some point in their life, a new nationwide study by Save the Children has revealed.

A national survey has highlighted a massive underreported bullying issue in Lebanon, where children develop anxiety and even drop out of school as a result of being subjected to different forms of violence in their learning and community surroundings.

Tuesday 18 September 2018

It’s time to ban child marriage in Lebanon

Photo credit: RDFL


By Aliaa Awada, Media Advocacy and Communications Manager, Save the Children Lebanon

Monday 5 February 2018

Dangerous Ground: Hundreds of thousands of Syrians risk being pushed to return in 2018


Hundreds of thousands of Syrians risk being pushed to return in 2018 despite ongoing violence, warn aid agencies

For every Syrian who returned home last year, three more were newly displaced
