Child Protection

Thursday 2 November 2017

My Voice Matters Too

The Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Save the Children bring children and decision-makers together in “My Voice Matters Too” national event

The Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Save the Children have organised “My Voice Matters Too” seminar in Beirut on 31 October 2017.

Thursday 3 August 2017

Sultan’s endless walks

Sultan’s* days are mostly long. The end of each day is not decided by time, but by traffic. When there are no cars left on the street, it is a signal for him to go home.

Wednesday 19 July 2017

READY FOR TOMORROW: Save the Children Lebanon’s Annual Report 2016

Save the Children’s Annual Report for 2016 shows that the organisation has reached 366,000 people, including 225,000 children over the past year.

Tuesday 20 June 2017

Away for too long: World Refugee Day

On the occasion of World Refugee Day, Save the Children joins four Syrian adolescents as they discuss life away from home.

‘’When I return one day, there will be less of everything. Everything will have been destroyed,’’ says Ali, ‘’There will be fewer people.’’

Tuesday 25 April 2017

A cinema at Save the Children’s space

The queue outside the tent stretched longer with forty-eight children standing, mostly on toes, on the doorstep. As they waited to hear their name and embark on the next action, they craned their neck forward with eager anticipation.

Names checked and spots taken, the lights went off, a sign that entertainment was about to start.
