
Thursday 3 November 2016

Proud children offer insight into successful research

A group of youths on the front line of a child rights research have shared their experience, in a special event organised by Save the Children in Lebanon.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Children mark their success in special event

They have been learning through recreation for months. And today, this group of talented children are demonstrating their skills with the same tool.

Save the Children’s centre in Mount Lebanon was the stage of a series of spectacular performances, as children took part in an event to mark the end of a successful five-month Education and Child Protection project.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

The long-awaited change


Forty-four days were enough. Distress and worry abated. Comfort and relief dominated. For years, Sahar*, a Lebanese mother from Tripoli, could not find the right answer to her daughter’s over-attachment to her and the persistent anxiety and fear of any change.

Monday 24 October 2016

School… at long last

There is always a first time for everything. So the saying goes. A first day at school, for any child, is always an anxious, exciting time that marks a fresh start in life.

Monday 26 September 2016

The power of a young voice

 Three champions of the youth-led project

There are 14 kilometres separating the two villages. One, Majdal Anjar, sits right next to the Syrian border. The other, Qab Elias, lies at the foot of sloping mountains on the edge of the western plateau of Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley.

Though geographically split, social challenges and predicaments unite the two towns.
